Sunday, October 3, 2010

Distinctive, Luxurious, Personal Spaces

So for me transforming from an instinctive design novice into a professional Interior Stylemaker really was about continuing to do what came naturally but with formal training.  The training enabled me to know the results of my decoration choices- prior to implementation- not just guess at the possible results.  Now I could embrace what I was passionate about…           
   The things that look good, sound good, smell good and feel good

I guess I really stumbled upon my niche of designing distinctive luxurious personal spaces; by implementing all the elements that satisfied my senses. I’d start off each new consult by asking the client:
      • What do you want to See in your home/office/hotel?
      • Which sounds do you want to hear /or not hear?
      • How would you like the space to feel?  Not only the surface materials but also in terms of the mood for the room.
      • And in finishing each project I would address the Smells associated with the space by introducing fragrances suited to that specific interior.
Let’s face it, one can control all the elements within an interior, from the color of paint on the walls, style of furnishings, type of architecture, to the works of art and accessories. Why not personalize it with ones senses as well ?
Have you added personality, and style to your space? When you drop by, post a comment and if not send in photos of rooms you’d like to sense-sational-ize.  I’ll post a few with my tips on how to increase their Stylemaker File worthiness…. I’ll be adding periodically (hopefully every Friday) to my post so come back again and I’ll share how I wound up making a living as an Interior Stylemaker with a North American clientele.
Charmaine Wynter