Sunday, October 3, 2010

2011 Colors CHIC Walls Are Wearing

Color is such a vital part of a room and it is one of the least expensive assets I have for infusing the owners personality into a space. 
Color affects our sense of space, color can suggest and reinforce your style, color can heighten or camouflage and the list goes on.
So you can bet I pay attention to color trends and of course I’m going to share with my loyal followers.   In the spirit of ‘da ultimate hookup’ a book written by Claudette McGowan ~  Thanks girl your book was everything you promised!
Here are my picks for 2011 Color trends
Look for grey tones to replace taupe’s as color scheme basics. (yes you earth tone lovers we have left the yellows and beige's behind)
As accent hues pink’s either pearlized or boldly bright dominate on the walls. (these are not for the faint of heart)
Also strong are vibrant blue based hues; reds, oranges, purples or greens. They are grounded by new whites, blacks; gray’s and of course browns.

I’d love to hear from you about the hues you’ve embraced also I’ll post photos of your interiors you upload that meet with my Stylemaker files approval so be sure to come back again to view pictures I’ve added.
Charmaine Wynter