Monday, October 11, 2010

Chronic depersonalization is an insidious mental condition that can begin at the time of a house purchase…  I recently ran across a blog entry in which, Garth Turner tells an interesting tale for people who enjoy “house porn” As you can imagine a title like that had me -and others I’m sure- clicking on the link. I won’t spoil the entry for you by telling you what it contained… Instead I’ll tell you what I had hoped it contained         Sound advice for those addicted to purchasing houses and leaving them in an as is state.   I mean, let’s face it--once folks buy a house they instantly become house rich but personal décor poor --Most have no idea how to make their architectural shell into a home—Instead an average of 12 years are spent by homeowners who are crippled at the thought that they could inject too much character (translate that into ‘any’) into the space lest they need to sell it. 


Horror of horrors someone may come in and not buy the house because I’ve added a patterned sofa and color on the walls—I’m confused… isn’t that what they do to model homes??
Here’s the irony … wait for it…home stagers are making a mint infusing some personality into character poor houses --when the owner finally lists it for sale (18 years later).  Why because the new buyer won’t purchase a house that is depersonalized into a state of nothingness.  A house without any connection to a style is one without heart, personality, life.  
Wouldn’t it be interesting if upon purchase owners began looking around for an expert to assist in personalizing a house into a home? I mean… one could spend positively years enjoying their investment- making the rooms not only have a story but showcasing a story about the life of its occupants…Wow what an awesome thought.  Have I gone over the top? Post your comment to let me know your thoughts on this blog entry.
Charmaine Wynter