Saturday, December 25, 2010

Flying High in Style

With their introduction of the Envoy suites top airline carrier US Airways invites travelers to change their position on business travel; while a definite step in the right direction this Stylemaker would like to encourage US Airways and other major carriers to step-up  overhaul their entire cabin interior decor!    Just imagine the passengers delight were they  to step into a luxury outfitted plane every time they ventured into the wild blue yonder.  Why they may just choose to keep flying with no need to deplane to begin their 5 Star destination experience.    Just for fun I've pictured some cabin interior combo's below please vote to let me know which one would be a winner in your eyes.  Perhaps if we get enough responses we can convince US Airways to update their cabin interiors.
Charmaine Wynter
Lux  First Class

Lux Business Class
Lux Economy

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Opposites Attract... or do they?

Some experts contend "opposites attract but it’s the similarities that keep us together" …Below I’ve showcased rooms that flaunt one or the other of the above sayings… Identify which adage was used to pull together the rooms pictured below.
If you vote :
  • Opposites- then the decor elements within the room contrast; finishes, shapes, sizes vary and the room is interesting because of the differences.
If you vote :
  • Similar- then the design elements within the room relates; finishes, shapes and colors are alike and the rooms interest is derived by this connectedness.
Now, I have not made it easy... Where's the fun in that?  But.. .the first 7 new comments posted that correctly identify which image is decorated using opposites and which image is decorated using similar elements in ALL of the pictures wins a Bedroom Décor gift packet from my Charnorbry Collection Valued at $350.00!  Good Luck!!
I'll post the lucky winners names here.  Charmaine Wynter

Image #1

Image # 2

Image #3

Image #4
Image #5

Monday, December 6, 2010

Urban Warmth!

Winter is certainly here... as headlines scream of school closures- power outages and winter storm warnings;_ylu=X3oDMTB0MWVhNXRyBHBvcwMyLjEEc2VjA3NyBGNvbG8DYWM0BHZ0aWQD/SIG=15aoh63ee/EXP=1291693070/**http%3a// I and other northerners start the cocooning process.  All of the breezy cottons and linen's get put away in favour of furs and flannel- wools and warmth; are the tone of the day.  Below are some of my favourite new ways to introduce cozy warmth in an updated urban way.
Felt cushions fashioned from reclaimed sweaters
Felting is hot we've seen it on the runways now we see it in homeware-  introduced here in cushions - left these are a dynamic way to add warmth and fashion to your winter interior.  Now you've got something to do with the sweaters that shrunk in the wash... 
Note the fur throws, a chenielle ottoman,  and wool toss cushions
We've layered on the warmth factor without adjusting any of the fundamental elements within the
room pictured on the right-

Below left- Doesn't this upholstered chair just make you want to snuggle down within the warm woolen folds?  mmm... toasty!

Cable Knitt Sweater covered chair
Below right- A fur or faux fur throw add the cozy feel to this bedroom what a perfect way to begin and end a day.
The addition of a fur pelt makes for instant visual warmth

I hope you've enjoyed viewing the fresh ways that warmth has been added to the above spaces...Why not try some of them out for your interior this weekend... then sit back with a warm cup of coco and enjoy the beauty you've created!  Drop me a note or send a photo that I can post of ways you've cozied up your den
Charmaine Wynter

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Window dressing- the in fashions!

Recently posted on PCWorld Would you rather: (A) lose all your HDD data, or (B) have your Facebook account hacked?”  I confess I waffled back and forth trying to determine which would be the lesser evil...I’m still waffling on that one... but, I faced no hesitation when I considered all the window treatments that I would rather: (A) see all humanity remove, or (B) have windows wear with pride.  Below are my favorites:
#1 on the Humanity Removal List~ The Balloon Shade/Blind

Balloon  Shade/Blind

Seriously there are still windows dressed in this dated 1980's fashion! 

#2 The Tab Top Panel- There is just no good way to have this window treatment speak to quality... it is always just too something~ too short, too thin, too sparse too~ lets face it, TOO CHEAP!

Tab Top Panel
#3 Shutters- ok perhaps banished from all humanity is too harsh for this window occluder but honestly folks; we spend sooooo
much money to place large beautiful windows in our homes and then what do you do? Cover them up!!

Here are my top 3 picks for windows to wear with pride: 
Boxed Pleat
Pleats: Whether Boxed, Reverse or French they are my ultimate go to for classic, quality window style.

French Pleat

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Make them say WOW!

I recently had the pleasure of attending a trade seminar conducted by Jane Lockhart (W-network’s host of Color Confidential) and boy was it a pleasure to get together with colleagues… I and the other attendees enjoyed commiserating with Jane on “”the before photo’s of her past clients” and we all left with Jane’s favourite mantra resounding in our minds “We as décor specialist, bring the WOW into clients lives!”  She reminded us that No other profession has such impact…. It got me thinking about the things that make me say wow…I’ve showcased a few of them below…post a comment and let me know if they inspire you also.
These photo's are of Crown Wallpaper +Fabrics stock.  I love the combination of colors & textiles. This image (left) makes me pause and say WOW because the sofa is PATTERNED- you guessed it we are heading there for it and remember you saw it printed here first.                                    Below-    I also find awe in the luxurious fabrics complied here.  I definitely like the richness of the textiles and trim... I mean WOW they have such a sumptuous hand... just looking at them makes me want to sink onto my bed spread the throw across my legs, position the cushions behind my back- just so- and  with a glass of the finest Riesling settle down to ~ did you guess it?  Read My favourite decorating magazine of course.

Well I've gushed enough, for sure to come back again     

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Getting fresh... in the bedroom?

I spent the past week at the annual furniture market in Highpoint NC and ....Wow!  Now if you know me well, you know I’m not easily impressed but honestly, I left most of the showrooms and or educational events marveling and it was not solely due to the great eats they offered! The Highpoint folks really stepped up their game, nothing like a little competition- from the Vegas market- to get the powers that be thinking outside the box. (I wish I could say the same feeling overcame me at the recent Toronto Designers Walk collection 2010... Come on folks Canada’s gotta do better- if you're going to offer an event for the trade- touring through one showroom after another just does not cut it... we know your there ... give us a reason to care... anyway I digress)

 3 fresh ideas I came away from the Highpoint Market with
  1. It’s a World Market- Fashion is global, designers are combining materials from all regions of the earth. Decor is global- interiors are shaped with elements from all cultures. We (individuals) are going global; we shop the world via the design boutiques that offer beyond the expected, beyond what is available down the street.
  2. Tell a Story- neutral is passé interiors we shape today tell a story about its occupants.  Perhaps the story begins with the photo on the wall that you shot last year at the family reunion in Calgary, or it could be the pebbles you've collected from the trip up north at a friend’s cottage. Maybe the story continues with the fact that you displayed the pebbles in a mason jar that was handed down from your grandmother’s mother and somehow they wound up on the fireplace mantle that, uncle Alvin or was it uncle Orim, made from the tree that crashed into the shed during the wind storm of ‘88 or was it ‘87....
  3. Make a statement-It’s the season of exaggerated shape and form so bigger is better- for the most part but caution, know the rules before you subvert them~ lest you create chaos within your sphere.
     Lump Sculpture Studio's waratah & tree branch wall art & rusted steel sphere.
    I’d love to hear from you about your interiors and offer my tips on how to get 'fresh' in the bedroom (or any room) I'll post answers of the most dire of the questions I receive so be sure to come back again to view my feedback.
          Charmaine Wynter

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ENDING YOUR AFFAIR..with pattern-free walls & fabric

It’s funny the attachment some folks have with their plains…  you know…. a solid color on the walls, solid surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom, textured (code word for solid) fabrics on the furniture and single(solid) colored rugs.  Some call this neutral… I call it yesturday.  Stylemakers' have sooo moved beyond this tactile decoration phase because well dressed interiors are wearing pattern. 
Below: Alexander Girard, famed textile designer and Herman Miller collaborator, at work in his studio, circa 1972. Photograph from the Herman Miller archive.
2002 interior showroom typifying a decorating style that gained popularity in the mid 1990's and peaked in 2003.  Above

So break it off…say goodbye, end it now!  I promise it will be okay.  You don’t have to fear going pattern wild~ after all we've been here before!  Are you ready to infuse style, pattern and passion into your interior?  Perhaps you've already added some bold pattern to your space?  Send in your photos.  I'll post the best of the best here. 
 Charmaine Wynter

Monday, October 11, 2010

Chronic depersonalization is an insidious mental condition that can begin at the time of a house purchase…  I recently ran across a blog entry in which, Garth Turner tells an interesting tale for people who enjoy “house porn” As you can imagine a title like that had me -and others I’m sure- clicking on the link. I won’t spoil the entry for you by telling you what it contained… Instead I’ll tell you what I had hoped it contained         Sound advice for those addicted to purchasing houses and leaving them in an as is state.   I mean, let’s face it--once folks buy a house they instantly become house rich but personal décor poor --Most have no idea how to make their architectural shell into a home—Instead an average of 12 years are spent by homeowners who are crippled at the thought that they could inject too much character (translate that into ‘any’) into the space lest they need to sell it. 


Horror of horrors someone may come in and not buy the house because I’ve added a patterned sofa and color on the walls—I’m confused… isn’t that what they do to model homes??
Here’s the irony … wait for it…home stagers are making a mint infusing some personality into character poor houses --when the owner finally lists it for sale (18 years later).  Why because the new buyer won’t purchase a house that is depersonalized into a state of nothingness.  A house without any connection to a style is one without heart, personality, life.  
Wouldn’t it be interesting if upon purchase owners began looking around for an expert to assist in personalizing a house into a home? I mean… one could spend positively years enjoying their investment- making the rooms not only have a story but showcasing a story about the life of its occupants…Wow what an awesome thought.  Have I gone over the top? Post your comment to let me know your thoughts on this blog entry.
Charmaine Wynter

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What's up with this entire 'Green' craze anyway?

It was not so long ago that when I asked a client if they were interested in seeing 'Green' fabric options, for the furniture pieces we were recovering, that she replied "oh no... John hates green"  
How quickly things change

Today more often than not, I present or use at least one environmentally friendly product for the rooms I am decorating.  It’s hipper than ever to do your part to lessen one’s carbon imprint for the sake of future generations.
WHAT is 'GREEN' DECORATING?           The folks at sum it up as follows—ideally green production is when, something that’s created with SUSTAINABILITY in mind which, according to a definition by the United National General Assembly (1987), means that it “meets the needs of the present, without undermining future generations ability to meet their needs.”  Specifically, things created in keeping with the “cradle to cradle” philosophy. “Cradle-to-cradle” challenges manufacturers to make products in a way that they can perpetually be reused or repurposed, therefore creating new “cradles” each time we find a new use.
The images I’ve showcased happen to be green in pallet but they also are green in philosophy Cool eh?   The rooms have at least one eco feature the first new follower to post the correct green feature in each image  he/she and the follower who recommended they check this blog out will win a green decorating package from my Charnorbry collection.  I’ll post the winners name and city on this blog.  Until next time…
Charmaine Wynter

Monday, October 4, 2010

Designing with light!

You know one of the secrets to my most successful interior transformations is that My lighting levels are layered- by that I mean I have more than one source of light in each space and each light source is providing illumination for a different task. 
Did you spot the 3 layers of light for the powder room on the right? 
General lighting - lighting required to move about the space (semi flush pendent)
Task lighting - provides light for dining, reading or prep work (wall sconces) Accent lighting - used to highlight and draw attention (under cabinet lights)
Each of the images pictured showcase planned lighting schemes-   so clients can adapt their Illumination to go well with the mood for the evening. 
I hope I’ve illustrated the various ways lighting can affect space. In my design bag of tricks I use it as a: source for seeing, vibe creation and for shape shifting. 
Have you done something different with your lighting or are you still trying to figure out how to manipulate your interior with light?  I'd be happy to help you maximize the visual possibilities of lighting.  Post a comment and I'll respond in real time.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

2011 Colors CHIC Walls Are Wearing

Color is such a vital part of a room and it is one of the least expensive assets I have for infusing the owners personality into a space. 
Color affects our sense of space, color can suggest and reinforce your style, color can heighten or camouflage and the list goes on.
So you can bet I pay attention to color trends and of course I’m going to share with my loyal followers.   In the spirit of ‘da ultimate hookup’ a book written by Claudette McGowan ~  Thanks girl your book was everything you promised!
Here are my picks for 2011 Color trends
Look for grey tones to replace taupe’s as color scheme basics. (yes you earth tone lovers we have left the yellows and beige's behind)
As accent hues pink’s either pearlized or boldly bright dominate on the walls. (these are not for the faint of heart)
Also strong are vibrant blue based hues; reds, oranges, purples or greens. They are grounded by new whites, blacks; gray’s and of course browns.

I’d love to hear from you about the hues you’ve embraced also I’ll post photos of your interiors you upload that meet with my Stylemaker files approval so be sure to come back again to view pictures I’ve added.
Charmaine Wynter

21st Century Hollywood Glamour Style

Along with identifying that I love decorating with my senses;  upon reflection I realized that I also gain inspiration from old Hollywood films~ something about the entire ‘Bogie’ movie era just signify class and style to me.  Luckily, this interior design season old Hollywood glamour makes a strong and fashionable come back allowing you to once again add shimmer to evening interiors.
So if you love this era as much as I do, try adding the following to update this classic design style:
·         Highly polished metals such as chrome will balance all your dark wood pieces. 
·         Sparkling crystals to ‘bling’ up the most standard of lighting fixtures.
·         Monochromatic tones punctuated with an accent wall of vibrant color or geometric patterned wall papers to create a sophisticated vibe. 
·         For the sofa think about luxury textiles like leather, mohair or distressed velvets. 
·         And for the drapery large botanicals, or geometric patterns are it!
·         Cosy up your wood or stone floors with animal hide, mens wear inspired area rugs.
·         Finally, to complete the transformation select art that embraces simple shapes with strong bold displays of color.
I’d love to hear from you about the things you’re passionate about also post photos of your interiors for my tips on how to enhance the Hollywood glamour quotient; I’ll add a response to the most dire of the posts I receive so be sure to come back again to view my feedback.
Charmaine Wynter     

Distinctive, Luxurious, Personal Spaces

So for me transforming from an instinctive design novice into a professional Interior Stylemaker really was about continuing to do what came naturally but with formal training.  The training enabled me to know the results of my decoration choices- prior to implementation- not just guess at the possible results.  Now I could embrace what I was passionate about…           
   The things that look good, sound good, smell good and feel good

I guess I really stumbled upon my niche of designing distinctive luxurious personal spaces; by implementing all the elements that satisfied my senses. I’d start off each new consult by asking the client:
      • What do you want to See in your home/office/hotel?
      • Which sounds do you want to hear /or not hear?
      • How would you like the space to feel?  Not only the surface materials but also in terms of the mood for the room.
      • And in finishing each project I would address the Smells associated with the space by introducing fragrances suited to that specific interior.
Let’s face it, one can control all the elements within an interior, from the color of paint on the walls, style of furnishings, type of architecture, to the works of art and accessories. Why not personalize it with ones senses as well ?
Have you added personality, and style to your space? When you drop by, post a comment and if not send in photos of rooms you’d like to sense-sational-ize.  I’ll post a few with my tips on how to increase their Stylemaker File worthiness…. I’ll be adding periodically (hopefully every Friday) to my post so come back again and I’ll share how I wound up making a living as an Interior Stylemaker with a North American clientele.
Charmaine Wynter