Thursday, December 12, 2013

4 must have Holiday Colour Schemes for 2013!

Colour trends are always changing and can be seen in the more recent colour schemes found in holiday décor. The following are my 4 favourite go-to colour combinations for this holiday season.

A)  Classic – Red, White & Green
If you're still in love with traditional colours but want to freshen it up…think pattern!

This off white papered living room gets a burst of festive red color with Christmas accents!

B)  Cool & Classy – Blue, White, Silver
Create a calm look that you can trust to make a beautiful statement this Christmas and next year as well!

A minimalist dining room gets festive when blue and silver Xmas decor is added.

C)  Warm & Cozy – Earth Tones of Green & Gold
Bring the outdoors in with comforting browns, greens, oxblood and a healthy splashs of bronze, copper and gold.

A mix of Urban Country design gets a quick Christmas update with a potted tree.

D) Winter white- For all the achromatic lovers I have included some great Holliday decor ideas all done up in white!  Victoria Seguin
Loft/studio living allows the holiday decor to extend to the sleeping area of this neutral space.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Adding Christmas sparkle to your decor is easy as 1, 2, 3!

If you're like me and not one for all the bright colours this holiday season, think about creating a festive interior by adding subtle touches with sparkle and shine that you can introduce into any room in your home.

This toss cushion is from our very own DSB

ONE… Take for instance the above toss cushion that is embellished with beads for its bling. The sheen draws the eye without the need for color; and instantly A touch of sparkle and glamour are added into your decorating style.

TWO… add reflective surface such as accessories with metallics and glass. They reflect light and add shine to your space, thus doubling their design impact!  Much like the pictured candelabra placed atop a mirrored tray effortlessly increases holiday cheer.

THREE…"The best way I increase visual impact whilst using less items is to increase the size of an object so go for oversized evergreen arrangements that have huge visual presence"Charmaine Wynter The old adage…less is more applies here. Use less pieces, but make them spectacular in impact!   Tatjana Emer

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Wow Christmas Mix it ups!

As festive colour schemes are no longer just basic red, white and green; at times finding a stimulating combination for the dining room place settings can be a challenge.

"Now that we have embrace hues like coral, fushia, gold, bronze, blue and silver as holiday colors, these seemingly endless palette possibilities are further increased by pattern combination options as well." Charmaine Wynter

Because we've been frequently asked "How do you combine patterns so successfully?" we've devised a basic step by step guide to aid you in creating balanced pattern combinations that will give you that perfect place setting you see in fine decor magazines every time.
                                                                                                                                                                        Three points you should remember when decorating your dining room table are as follows:

1.  Combine repetitive patterns with overall patterns to create a multi-dimensional look.
2.   Layering textiles with related colours will add interest to the design.
3.   Don’t forget that adding a solid hued place setting to your layered look can neutralize additional patterns. Victoria Seguin

Friday, December 6, 2013

Holiday Gifts...proudly given and received

In this age of philanthropy it is in vogue to give gifts of donation…you know the recipient gets a card or certificate stating that the gift giver has made a donation in the recipient’s name- to some obscure cause you have never heard of- in said amount… Or have you heard family/friends state “Christmas is for kids?”  Translation: We didn't get you anything!  Now I’m all for charitable giving and I have nothing against kids but~ I still like to receive gifts that are tangibly and are just for me. Are you with me here?

Just for fun, and honesty~ I want to see how many of you out there are real enough to state how they truly feel So… I’ve grouped gifts below-in pairs, from each group select the one gift you would prefer to open Christmas morning… post your answers for all to see in the comments.  We’ll quickly see how altruistic folks are.  What will you receive for your efforts?
                               You choose, either. 
a) Satisfaction   or  b) a $50 Wynter Interiors Gift Card
On Christmas morning which gift would you prefer to open?

1.  a) A life experience gift of Serving food at a homeless shelter Or  b) A  black BMW 

2.  a) Donation to animal shelter (in your name)     Or  b) an Ipad Mini

3.  a)  A gift swap with a needy family        
       b) $1000.00 Tax Free Cash

And after that truism check, if like me, you'd like to give a gift of donation; click on this link and select away.

Merry Christmas
Charmaine Wynter

*From all the posts received a winner will be selected by a random draw on Dec 24/13 and contacted to receive their prize of choice.  Please ensure that you have signed up as either a: Stylemaker follower, liked Wynter Interiors FB page, connected on LINKEDIN or subscribed to Wynter Interiors inc YouTube channel so I have your contact info.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Green" Designer holiday stylish updates!

This holiday season, I've decided to try something more natural... 

Fine bamboo linen throw is an Eco conscious solution to warm with

Organically inspired if you would. Why not join me by adding style to your space with greenery?  So what will you use instead of the usual holiday tinsel and fluff? 

1. Try pinecones, cedar branches, eucalyptus leaves and potted plants such as succulents or paper white bulbs  to adorn your fireplace mantle.  

2. Combine this effort with other natural elements such as wooden close pegs displaying cherished family snapshots in black-and-white for a vintage vibe or sepia for a  monochromatic palette. Also incorporate subtle touches of texture like a white ribbon or natural colored twine ornaments. 

3. Intermix dried fruits such as, pomegranate's, orange rounds, lemons and limes wedges and your mantle top will be fragrant, as well as, appealing to all your senses. 
Now don't stop your holiday decorating there pictured is a gorgeous bedroom made festive with natural elements draped atop of the headboard adding a distinctive luxurious sensory experience to the pop of white added to the blue, gold and green bedroom color scheme. Tatjana Emer

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fun & Easy Designer Ornaments in a Snap!

Let’s face it, Christmas is just around the corner and soon enough we’ll want  the scent of all that makes the season special in our home.

couldn't think of a better way to accentuate this season than with my designer ginger snap ornaments.  This recipe was originally a European tradition which consisted of preparing various fruit and popcorn to use as decoration for their holiday tree. My family has since modified the tradition into one where we bake cookies and decorate them to use as our one -of -a -kind, original, designer tree ornaments! It's a fun way to loosen your inner child and it makes for a excellent snack too.  

First you must find a delicious recipe for Ginger Snap cookies. Be sure not to confuse these with ginger bread because the difference lies in the flatness and firm consistency of the snap. And follow the following steps to enjoy these versatile treats.

1.   Prepare Dough.

2.   Cut into fun x-mas shapes. (tree, wreath, star, santa, snowman…)

Above: Various shapes my family has made over the years!

3.   Take a straw and make a hole at the top of the cookie before baking in order to hang on tree.

4.   Bake cookies and let them cool off when finished.

5.   Brush with corn syrup and decorate with sprinkles of your choice.

6.   String red, green or white ribbon through the hole you created before baking, tie a knot and hang on the perfect branch. Victoria Seguin