Wednesday, April 4, 2012

BATHS designed to impress

I just returned from a lunch and learn at a favorite bath fixture supplier in the east end of Toronto.  It was great fun to meet up with some of the staff and product reps including owner Gus- proud patriarch of his family- owned and grown business -he showed us hidden gems in the 50,000 sf plus warehouse, one of the two he owns-and we enjoyed a great lunch while viewing some impressive toilets and toilet accessories.  
above: SeaGull* toilet shown in two piece white porcelain
Now what's so impressive about toilets you ask ?...well although I'm all about how things look ~that was not what impressed me the most...truly the function of these babies were a lesson for a Stylemaker who felt she had already been schooled
Take for instance this new model I'll call it SeaGull* it's been designed with an overflow valve -similar to your bath tub or vanity sink which in the event of a clog keeps the water in the bowl and off the floor ...Genius! Guess what I’m specifying for all of my condo and restaurant projects?
Above: Istanbul round seat wall hung

Then there was this sleek model-right...I know I've gone all race car-y in my description- but you have got to see it this tiny but comfortable toilet was made for hugging tight quarters without scrimping on any of the about performance!
Above: Clean Touch bidet toilet seat
Finally, I could not end this blog without touching on clean touch luxury bidet- toilet seats...  It’s a hands free cleansing solution for those who want full service hygiene as the seat offers: two nozzles, a heated seat, warm water rinse, warm air dry and deodorizer options for the user... all at a click of the remote
"Now you see why I'm excited about the toilet...Makes you just want to update doesn't it?
till next time Charmaine

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Design on a shoe string...

above: these are fab designer finds but paint for same effect
While every Stylemaker's dream is the "unlimited budget" with the recent down market most North Americans are being cautious with their purchases so those projects are rarer than ever. Clients today want HGTV lux for in the spirit of interior designing on a shoe string budget I've compiled 5 tips that cost  little or nothing. With assistance from Katherine Alvarado 
here we go....

5 SUPER-SMART budget interior decorating tips:

1. Surf it up!
Craigslist is the low budget-ers dream. What could be better than a place where people post ads for things they want you to take ~for free! You can find everything from bed frames, to art, to accessories, to grand pianos  if you are persistant.

2. Use Elbow Grease -
Nothing is as stylish as a vintage piece of furniture restored by you. Buy something old and worn for cheap, and then unlock its inner beauty or make it into something entirely new and amazing by sanding, painting or sewing.

Sweet upcycle with used pop caps!
3. Look for diamonds in the rough and D IY-
Have you seen a designer throw pillow that you think would look perfect on that couch you found on Craig's list last week? Buy a discount fabric of a similar design and sew it yourself. Utube tutorials show even the craft challenged how to make it themselves ~all it will require is time and effort.

4. Curb shop-
One man's trash is another man's treasure. So Garage sales are the name of the game...they have most everything for very low prices and you can haggle to arrive at a price that suits your pocket. Remember people would much rather sell it than pay to have it removed.

5.  Get 'buy' with a little help from your friends-
Ask your friends and family if they are getting rid of any old decor or furniture, as a general rule, they won't charge you money for their old stuff. Know someone with some artistic talent? Ask a friend to do a painting or an enlarged landscape photo to hang over your couch in the living room~you will have a truly unique work of art that you can brag about to your dinner guests.

Frame it- now its art.

I know this list has been helpful ... The key to budget design is really only a little bit of creativity, elbow grease and persistence!

Thanks for reading and be sure to visit Katherine's blog at

P.S. If this list has only served to me for full service professional interior decorating and design services ~where all you do is write the cheque!

Till next time

Sunday, March 4, 2012

3 Fun Ways to Color Block your rooms!

geometric color blocking painted on walls
COLOR BLOCKING it's hot!  Clashing and contrasting is a contemporary way to compliment and pair opposing colors together to create a bold 2012 design statement.  When used as a fun source of whimsy matching up hues that don't match can freshen and energize a space.

                                How do you to get the look?

1. Select a 3 color combo like:
Navy, Hot pink, Ivory
Brown, Teal, Silver
Sapphire blue, Gold, Tangerine

color blocking on the runway and in home fashion
2. Whether used as paint, wallpaper or on textiles ~ geometric or botanical graphic prints are the way to go!

3. To complete the dramatic makeover use on:

Walls- either as large oversized art prints, wallpaper or paint

Floors- area rugs, or stenciled designs in smart bold hues

Furnishing - drapery panels or as toss cushions on a neutral sofa

teal,brown and silver color blocking in botanicals

Like these tips?  Be sure to like Wynter Interiors on Facebook and share us with your friends... also please post a comment here to let us know the content you want for future blogs... we'll listen...

Until next time

Sunday, February 19, 2012

"How Many Clients Have I Slept With?"

"All of them... oh I'm not talking about sex" (sorry) I'm talking about personal intimacy- the ability to empathize with my client is key to designing the space that they have always wanted. 

"You know the whole until you've walked a mile in their shoes idea"
For instance; a clients husband wanted to clad their Ensuite accent wall in  stone, his wife hesitated concerned about the longevity of that style being 'in'.  A perfect blended solution is the faux slate wall paper shown on the left.
More important than color selection, materials and finishes or furniture layout is correct guidance. 

A Stylemaker must find out what makes a client toss & turn until 3 a.m
And then do all that is earthly possible to resolve it!                                                      I also presented the Granite and Mica stone wall paper pictured here as a possibility....

They were both thrilled with the options as they had only thought of glass mosaic tile; while pretty especially as pictured in the kitchen on the right it was not the best solution for them.
So for me all it takes is a listening ear and once I’ve listened ... and tapped into their personal desires or deepest wishes... then I’ve metaphorically slept with my client or so it may seen to them!

I hope you've found this entry helpful...which "stone" effect would you choose?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


She's gone,she's taken her half and your half also NOW what do you do? 

Ok so maybe it’s not so dire....your company has you relocating, downsizing or you've suffered through the loss of a spouse. Either way, 

You've earned the right to live beyond the futon, beer fridge & foil covered windows! 
So what if during the marriage you never bought a towel or made the bed and have no clue where to buy furniture? 

You’re a working man you don't have time for errors, you want the job done well and you deserve to live in a style that shows off your accomplishments.  
Above: the color scheme foundation is netural with bold color accents
While you can opt for the tried and true, you know -beige and sparse- with loads of technology… Or, if you’re female you could "girl it up" by introducing pink and petals "everywhere"...

Neither direction is your only option so whether it’s coordinating your interior decor, furniture sourcing or installing art to enliven empty walls, a professional can offer you unique custom options.
Above: The use of color and light create dramatic stylish effect

If you opt to keep the matrimonial home, here are some design tips to refresh your post divorce pad.

·    Paint: To effect real, yet subtle change.

·    Redecorate the bedroom: Buy new bedding, add new pillows and incorporate masculine or feminine touches as desired.

·    If it’s in your budget, get a smaller dining table or bigger chairs – anything that will draw less attention to the empty seat where your spouse once sat.
Above:Sleek kitchen with pops of colored accents

·    If kids are in the picture, be diplomatic when expunging memories of someone they still love. Relocate family pictures to a corner of the house that you don’t walk past 10 times a day or put them in the kids’ rooms, but don’t remove them outright.

I trust you've found these steps
for simplifying your decor after
divorce helpful. What steps
have you taken to personalize
your interior decor?

Charmaine Wynter's design firm offers –a decorating after divorce service
which creates warm welcoming personal spaces for those who are single for
the second time. Visit for more 