Tuesday, May 10, 2011

On Point, Current and Fresh!

I'm thinking its time to roll out a new look.  I've kept my current style for 18 years and you know, we all can do with a bit of a maintenance... or so Cosmo magazine says .. and we all know Cosmo never lies; so yeah a little update, a makeover, yes sirree a genuine face lift.

But I'm undecided .. I mean how much is enough? How much is too much ?  I wanna still be recognisable but my new look should say that I am:                   on point, current & fresh!

So I'm appealing to you my online friends I know you'll give me the straight goods.  The unvarnished truth...I know I needn't worry about jealousy, or haters cause this is a place of love and well wishers... yep your vote will cinch it... you decide how I'll roll out ...for the next 18 years (or so).

Please select the image you most like and post your comment here, the look with the most votes will be my new face for the next wave of life.

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To view present logo click below http://www.wynterinteriors.com/

I really appreciate your help with this.... after all there really is no decision harder than how your business  will present itself in the future.
Till next time