Friday, February 25, 2011

Geometrics~ Circle is God!

Do you think you are seeing spots?               No need to sound the alarm you’re not alone- circles are everywhere in interior design these days. 

Whether shown as dots, orbs, blobs, bubbles, or rings this universal symbol for eternity is hot with a capital ‘H’! 

And why not?  2011’s decoration message is one of homage to hope and inspiration.  

North Americans have weathered yet another course of economical doubt and financial reversal hick-ups; we are ready for the optimism that only the Polk-a-dot can bring.

So, this Stylemaker for one applauds you, Sphere. 

You king of geometric delight!  

And as you return to the interior decorating forefront; carry with you, your mates: the oval, the teardrop, the elliptical and the oblong.

North Americans are ready for a time of rebirth!
Charmaine Wynter
Be sure to drop me a line letting me know your thoughts about the ideas above…looking forward to hearing from you, post them here.