Whether shown as dots, orbs, blobs, bubbles, or rings this universal symbol for eternity is hot with a capital ‘H’!
And why not? 2011’s decoration message is one of homage to hope and inspiration.
And why not? 2011’s decoration message is one of homage to hope and inspiration.
North Americans have weathered yet another course of economical doubt and financial reversal hick-ups; we are ready for the optimism that only the Polk-a-dot can bring.
So, this Stylemaker for one applauds you, Sphere.
You king of geometric delight!
And as you return to the interior decorating forefront; carry with you, your mates: the oval, the teardrop, the elliptical and the oblong.
North Americans are ready for a time of rebirth!
Charmaine Wynter
Be sure to drop me a line letting me know your thoughts about the ideas above…looking forward to hearing from you, post them here.