Tuesday, December 27, 2011

5 Sure Fire Ways to GET What You Want!

How do you decorate & live happily ever after with the results?
    The following five actionable tips should drastically help you get the interior you want!
1.   Show us.
This one is the most important. It’s very hard for designer to visualize the ideas in a clients mind.  Being creative is difficult when the canvas is blank. If you can give us a picture to start with, illustrating some sense of what you’d like, it’ll help us enormously on the creative side.

2.  Admit you’re just a tourist.
                                                                                                     Clients often feel like they are visitors in the design world. They know that they don’t understand this stuff one-tenth as well as the professional does. They feel like they’ve stepped  into a subculture  where misinterpreting one decorating trend can lead to drastic results; thus they often shy away from  the possibility of making  weird suggestions,  or demanding certain color schemes that probably don’t matter (but sometimes do).  Know that we can tell you are all tourists. No matter what you do, you won’t blend in so relax and allow someone who is trained assist in accomplishing your vision.

3.   Understand the boundaries.
If you’re building a basketball, you know what you can and can’t do. You could probably make one that’s bouncier or more durable than competing products. But you couldn’t make one that goes in the basket every time. Likewise since you don’t know the rules of the design and decoration game, you often don’t know what’s possible. More often than not, you’ll assume that something isn’t possible when it actually is.  I have a good solution for this: I ask clients to create a folder of their wish list, and dump ideas in there. More often than not, I’ll contact them saying, “Hey, that’s possible. Let’s try it out.” But remember you know your financial limitations, sometimes creativity is only able to flourish inside the reality of those limits.

4.   Ask us.
Good designers are flexible and can adjust the vision to meet the reality of the situation. If you wants something, but the designer points out that it would be costly or not be worth the extra effort.  Request a workaround if you want, or just ask if there’s another way. Decorators are usually great at creative solutions; we make our living by avoiding barriers. But we can only avoid barriers if we know what they are. 

5.   Find a visionary.
Everyone appreciates an expert.  When a client told me that he was considering downsizing from a 35000 sqf home to a 180 sqf room, I said something like, “Well, it fortunate that I started my career working out of a 100sqf studio.” He appreciated my experience and by demonstrating my expertise I was able to ease and instill trust while reaffirming that he had made the right decision to hire me.
I’d love to hear from you on how you got the best decor ...also post photos of your interiors so others  can learn from you.  Finally, be sure to come back again to view all the feedback.
 Charmaine Wynter   http://www.wynterinteriors.com/

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

On Point, Current and Fresh!

I'm thinking its time to roll out a new look.  I've kept my current style for 18 years and you know, we all can do with a bit of a maintenance... or so Cosmo magazine says .. and we all know Cosmo never lies; so yeah a little update, a makeover, yes sirree a genuine face lift.

But I'm undecided .. I mean how much is enough? How much is too much ?  I wanna still be recognisable but my new look should say that I am:                   on point, current & fresh!

So I'm appealing to you my online friends I know you'll give me the straight goods.  The unvarnished truth...I know I needn't worry about jealousy, or haters cause this is a place of love and well wishers... yep your vote will cinch it... you decide how I'll roll out ...for the next 18 years (or so).

Please select the image you most like and post your comment here, the look with the most votes will be my new face for the next wave of life.

             1                     2                      3               4            5
To view present logo click below http://www.wynterinteriors.com/

I really appreciate your help with this.... after all there really is no decision harder than how your business  will present itself in the future.
Till next time

Monday, March 21, 2011

Are you one of the New Traditionalist?

If you’ve been reading my blog, for a while, you'll recognize that I love giving readers a heads up on design news.  The New Traditionalist style is one such insight.  
Do you believe a traditional and a cool decor can co exist?  Yes? Then you’re one of the New Traditionalists.

What is New Traditional Style?  It involves using classic pieces interpreted in exciting new ways; these twist’s on conventional furniture design may be a change of:  the color, the finish or the material.

left: Chairs designed by Molyneux for Barrymoore. 


While I've sprinkled this blog with images that illustrate this style; I  invite you to join me at the upcoming Delectable Design, a Junior League of Toronto- fundraiser event running Oct 27-30/11 at the Heritage Court, Exhibition Center, where I'll showcase this style yet again. 
So enjoy the images with a reminder of a few important observations I learned from a wise friend:
  • Great design is timeless and can and should be enjoyed for more than a fleeting moment.
  • You’ll get the most beautiful results when you allow creative people a little more room to spread their wings.
  • Interior design is more than an overnight process.

  • Interior design involves time and a financial investment.  (And the two do intertwine.)
  • Quality always shines through.
  • A vision can only be fully shared when the project has been completed.  The real picture will then come into focus.
The photo above is a reinterpretation of the classic wingback chair originally fabricated by industrial designer Tom Dixon.

The photo below is a room set designed by Bjorn Bjornsson and Andy Young.   
  • If your designer is happy, chances are you will be, too! 
So let us do what we do best and your results will be rewarding. 

What questions or comments do you have about the process of design?  I’m happy to share so post your query in the comments and I'll get back to you!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Geometrics~ Circle is God!

Do you think you are seeing spots?               No need to sound the alarm you’re not alone- circles are everywhere in interior design these days. 

Whether shown as dots, orbs, blobs, bubbles, or rings this universal symbol for eternity is hot with a capital ‘H’! 

And why not?  2011’s decoration message is one of homage to hope and inspiration.  

North Americans have weathered yet another course of economical doubt and financial reversal hick-ups; we are ready for the optimism that only the Polk-a-dot can bring.

So, this Stylemaker for one applauds you, Sphere. 

You king of geometric delight!  

And as you return to the interior decorating forefront; carry with you, your mates: the oval, the teardrop, the elliptical and the oblong.

North Americans are ready for a time of rebirth!
Charmaine Wynter
Be sure to drop me a line letting me know your thoughts about the ideas above…looking forward to hearing from you, post them here.

Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm Back... fresh decorating tips that use wallpaper!

In a recent #designtv forum; designers of all ilk, from all over the world formed this consensus about wallpaper ~ it’s the single most transformative design element with huge bang for buck.  As Olivia Millwood trumped “We have our little corner mainly because everyone else was getting rid of it! Now that it's hot we are ready! Yea wallpaper! 
I for one have been awaiting the renewed popularity of wallpaper for its instant mood setting capabilities…Nothing can create a tone within a room as quickly as the introduction of wallpaper. So this blog is about wallpaper.
Michelle Drenckhahn -www.spacialadaptation.com, and I got to tweeting about our mutual love of pattern, thus this blog was born.  While nothing beats a wall adorned in paper I’ve decided to showcase ways to use wallpaper decoratively within the home besides on the wall; so let me know what you think about the wallpaper ideas shown below.  
Below: When I ran across this photo on the design dumps blog, I instantly recognized a fellow wallpaper aficionado; how pretty! 

Left: In this instance bits of wallpaper are used to create a pretty custom picture matt; while this is cute I envision this same idea in a much larger scale~ perhaps 32” X 28”

Below Right: the wallpaper used to decoupage the front of this chest personalize a handed down family treasure. 
For centuries wallpaper has been used to adorn furnishing whether to hide flaws or add punch. I snapped these images while at the January 2011  World Market Centre            Las Vegas- Home Furnishing Show, below are a few of my most favorite ways to introducing pattern or wallpaper

Below: This hard sided ottoman looks fab upholstered in this boldly patterned paper!

                                                         Left: Although the image is dark, this lamp shade is a patterned paper and a wonderful idea for infusing interest!

We have seen how good wallpaper looks lining the back of a bookcase; showcased below one can see it looks equally great as the backdrop for a folding screen. 

Till next time,
Charmaine Wynter

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Design for Global Innovation

President Obama recently spoke about the importance of innovation in the global economy in his state of the union address; and boy did he hit the money...perhaps that is why he’s the pres?  Anyway I digress...I had just been reflecting on that very thing...no seriously- while here at the World Market Centre Las Vegas Market Home Furnishing Show -say that really fast 7 times- (WMCLV) I could not help but think about how we in the interior design community have really embraced globalism... have a look at the pictures I’ve posted below to see if you agree.
English inspired textile for home theatre seating
Sexy acrylic and contemporary shapes Italy of course!
The color and pattern here speaks of exotic hot spots India, Africia or Morroco

Can you guess?
The first new fan to identify the country that inspired the above decor wins a $25 WIStudio gift certificate.
LOL-It pays to read my blog to the end....I'm in Vegas- working like a slave- all week so if you want to see the latest home fashion trends follow me on twitter...I'll be sending the very freshest stylemakers to all of my loyal followers.  Let me know if you want to view something specific...
All for now

Friday, January 14, 2011

Divine Decorating... done in a day

Have you ever felt like your décor could use a day off?  I got to thinking along those lines after reading about the listing, of the house that was used in the movie ‘Ferris Bueller’s day off.  http://raisingtheroof.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/05/28/ferris-bueller-house-on-the-market/

The house, located in the wooded Chicago suburb of Highland Park, was designed by A. James Speyer, a protégé of Mies Van Der Rohe, in 1953 and its stunning architecture is…still stunning decades later.  Let’s face it a house fashioned with glass walls wow! 

As I read the article and gazed once again at the architectural marvel.  I began to wonder whether most of our homes could stand up to the scrutiny of glass walls?   The sad fact is a resounding NO!   But it does not have to remain that way below I’ve listed three done in a day high impact decorating ideas that are right on trend for 2011.  Why not get started this weekend?

  1. Be brave enough to rearrange your furniture!  A different layout can serve to highlight a piece you’ve had for years in a new way.  Just look at the difference in the plans below

2. Update slavishly matched furniture sets easily by splitting ‘em up! Do things like repurposing end tables in the bedroom or night stands in the living room.  If you’re starting from scratch shop in the sales area for furniture clearouts that are one of a kind and use those to create distinction within your rooms!      
3.       Have more of an open mind about the finish for quality goods. Distress some of the pristine pieces you already own by giving then a quick rub with sand paper. One hugh trend is the use of weathered woods and machinery parts as illustrated by the piece on the right.

Be sure to drop me a line letting me know how well you’ve done by implementing the ideas above…looking forward to hearing about and seeing your efforts.
Charmaine Wynter                        www.wynterinteriros.com