Saturday, December 25, 2010

Flying High in Style

With their introduction of the Envoy suites top airline carrier US Airways invites travelers to change their position on business travel; while a definite step in the right direction this Stylemaker would like to encourage US Airways and other major carriers to step-up  overhaul their entire cabin interior decor!    Just imagine the passengers delight were they  to step into a luxury outfitted plane every time they ventured into the wild blue yonder.  Why they may just choose to keep flying with no need to deplane to begin their 5 Star destination experience.    Just for fun I've pictured some cabin interior combo's below please vote to let me know which one would be a winner in your eyes.  Perhaps if we get enough responses we can convince US Airways to update their cabin interiors.
Charmaine Wynter
Lux  First Class

Lux Business Class
Lux Economy

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Opposites Attract... or do they?

Some experts contend "opposites attract but it’s the similarities that keep us together" …Below I’ve showcased rooms that flaunt one or the other of the above sayings… Identify which adage was used to pull together the rooms pictured below.
If you vote :
  • Opposites- then the decor elements within the room contrast; finishes, shapes, sizes vary and the room is interesting because of the differences.
If you vote :
  • Similar- then the design elements within the room relates; finishes, shapes and colors are alike and the rooms interest is derived by this connectedness.
Now, I have not made it easy... Where's the fun in that?  But.. .the first 7 new comments posted that correctly identify which image is decorated using opposites and which image is decorated using similar elements in ALL of the pictures wins a Bedroom Décor gift packet from my Charnorbry Collection Valued at $350.00!  Good Luck!!
I'll post the lucky winners names here.  Charmaine Wynter

Image #1

Image # 2

Image #3

Image #4
Image #5

Monday, December 6, 2010

Urban Warmth!

Winter is certainly here... as headlines scream of school closures- power outages and winter storm warnings;_ylu=X3oDMTB0MWVhNXRyBHBvcwMyLjEEc2VjA3NyBGNvbG8DYWM0BHZ0aWQD/SIG=15aoh63ee/EXP=1291693070/**http%3a// I and other northerners start the cocooning process.  All of the breezy cottons and linen's get put away in favour of furs and flannel- wools and warmth; are the tone of the day.  Below are some of my favourite new ways to introduce cozy warmth in an updated urban way.
Felt cushions fashioned from reclaimed sweaters
Felting is hot we've seen it on the runways now we see it in homeware-  introduced here in cushions - left these are a dynamic way to add warmth and fashion to your winter interior.  Now you've got something to do with the sweaters that shrunk in the wash... 
Note the fur throws, a chenielle ottoman,  and wool toss cushions
We've layered on the warmth factor without adjusting any of the fundamental elements within the
room pictured on the right-

Below left- Doesn't this upholstered chair just make you want to snuggle down within the warm woolen folds?  mmm... toasty!

Cable Knitt Sweater covered chair
Below right- A fur or faux fur throw add the cozy feel to this bedroom what a perfect way to begin and end a day.
The addition of a fur pelt makes for instant visual warmth

I hope you've enjoyed viewing the fresh ways that warmth has been added to the above spaces...Why not try some of them out for your interior this weekend... then sit back with a warm cup of coco and enjoy the beauty you've created!  Drop me a note or send a photo that I can post of ways you've cozied up your den
Charmaine Wynter