Thursday, November 18, 2010

Window dressing- the in fashions!

Recently posted on PCWorld Would you rather: (A) lose all your HDD data, or (B) have your Facebook account hacked?”  I confess I waffled back and forth trying to determine which would be the lesser evil...I’m still waffling on that one... but, I faced no hesitation when I considered all the window treatments that I would rather: (A) see all humanity remove, or (B) have windows wear with pride.  Below are my favorites:
#1 on the Humanity Removal List~ The Balloon Shade/Blind

Balloon  Shade/Blind

Seriously there are still windows dressed in this dated 1980's fashion! 

#2 The Tab Top Panel- There is just no good way to have this window treatment speak to quality... it is always just too something~ too short, too thin, too sparse too~ lets face it, TOO CHEAP!

Tab Top Panel
#3 Shutters- ok perhaps banished from all humanity is too harsh for this window occluder but honestly folks; we spend sooooo
much money to place large beautiful windows in our homes and then what do you do? Cover them up!!

Here are my top 3 picks for windows to wear with pride: 
Boxed Pleat
Pleats: Whether Boxed, Reverse or French they are my ultimate go to for classic, quality window style.

French Pleat

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Make them say WOW!

I recently had the pleasure of attending a trade seminar conducted by Jane Lockhart (W-network’s host of Color Confidential) and boy was it a pleasure to get together with colleagues… I and the other attendees enjoyed commiserating with Jane on “”the before photo’s of her past clients” and we all left with Jane’s favourite mantra resounding in our minds “We as décor specialist, bring the WOW into clients lives!”  She reminded us that No other profession has such impact…. It got me thinking about the things that make me say wow…I’ve showcased a few of them below…post a comment and let me know if they inspire you also.
These photo's are of Crown Wallpaper +Fabrics stock.  I love the combination of colors & textiles. This image (left) makes me pause and say WOW because the sofa is PATTERNED- you guessed it we are heading there for it and remember you saw it printed here first.                                    Below-    I also find awe in the luxurious fabrics complied here.  I definitely like the richness of the textiles and trim... I mean WOW they have such a sumptuous hand... just looking at them makes me want to sink onto my bed spread the throw across my legs, position the cushions behind my back- just so- and  with a glass of the finest Riesling settle down to ~ did you guess it?  Read My favourite decorating magazine of course.

Well I've gushed enough, for sure to come back again